Different country, different name. Britain and French called it Aubergine. Meanwhile South African and Indian called it "Brinjal" and Italian called it "Melanzane" (means Crazy Apple).
Eggplant is native to India and has been cultivated in southern and eastern Asia since prehistory.
Even it has bitter taste while eat raw, but it become tender when cooked. It also can develops a rich and complex flavor. Eggplant is capable of absorbing large amounts of cooking fats and sauces. That's why it used in a lot of cuisines. It is often stewed (like French ratatouille, Italian malanzane alla parmigiana, or Greek moussaka). It can also be roasted and blended with other ingredients such as lemon, tahini, and garlic. Eggplant can also be stuffed wqith meat, rice, and other filling, then baked it. Caucasus stuffed it with walnut paste to make nigvziani badrijani.
China is the top producer of eggplant in the world. They produce more than 50% of world output. India stays on the second while holding 26%, and the rest is been holding by Egypt, Turkey, and Indonesia.
Eggplant is effective in the treatment of high blood cholesterol. It also helps to block the formation of free radicals. It also a very rich source of folic acid and potassium.